Le Département Développement Durable a mis en place des stickers de signalisation du LABEL DD « Sustainably Guaranteed » dans tous les infrastructures ou aspects de développement durable autour du campus, citons à titre d’exemple : Bâtiment certifié LEED, Food truck de Beldi Break, Les Golfettes électriques...etc, afin de promouvoir la durabilité pour toute la communauté UM6P. As global sustainability and environmental awareness grows, its reach has gone far beyond home recycling bins and reusable water bottles, it is more about implementing Sustainability as a culture everywhere you go. Therefore, at UM6P, The Sustainable Department has highlighted all the Sustainability features of the Campus by the “Sustainably Guaranteed” Label which aims to highlight all the efforts of UM6P in order to promote and advocate more for Sustainability.